Thursday, June 21, 2007

It is fun to stay at the YMCA

Today Mummy and I went to the YMCA for Tiny Y gym class!

I loved it all. I was a natural! I loved climbing

New hair do!!.. and PJs

Here i am in m new PJs (size 4) and hair cut - thanks Monique at JUST CUTS.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Misson Impossible at Misson Bay- I want to go swimming

Last weekend Mummy and Daddy took me to Mission Bay Beach for a play. They had the usual play ground equipment, but I was very taken by the fountain.
I suggested we all go for a swim. Mummy said "No, it was too cold."
after one minute, I am going for it

after 3 minutes..

after 5 minutes...
last attempt..
The beach was very nice, but I still wanted to go swimming..

Daddy and I saw a plane we waved at it.
Mummy and I looked in th rock pools

and stolled down the shore.

Big rock, big deal. I still want to go swimming..

Yeah, yeah big tree.. I still want to go swimming.

This is what I think of you Mummy and Daddy.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Even in winter the park is fun!

Even though it is offically winter now we still enjoy going to the park.
With our wool jumpers and gumboots we can do all the fun stuff...
We start by feeding the ducks.

While all the old boys played with their remote boats on the lake.

We had a go playing with my new Rugby ball.
Daddy kicked it a bit high...

But it was OK, as I could get it down.

Then, Mummy and I went on the massive slide.
Here I am at the bottom already..

Action shot..

Daddy played it safe on the bench.

Here I am on a "dizzy whizzy". You sit on the base and spin and spin and spin..

It lives up to its name.

I got dizzy, Mummy and Daddy almost did a whizzy laughing.