Monday, July 16, 2007

fun with my neighbours

I always have fun when I go to visit my neighbours, Debs, Chris, Jonothan and Hugh.

They let me try lots of different things like play the guitar and whack the drums.

I also workout with Johnothan. Here we are doing some stretching.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Shrek the third.. but where is the big Gorilla?

We took Charlie to see Shrek yesterday. We hadn't tried going to the movies before.
He liked it.
Especially the Yo Go Gorilla ad prior to the film!!!!
He sat on his seat for a majority of the film, and laughed everytime Shrek came on the screen, and asked where he was if someone else was on.
I however laughed at every joke. At one stage, Paul asked me to leave for laughing to loud(!!??) Within a theatre full of loud children (mostly under 5yo) who would just call out "I need to do wees now" at parents/grandparents I thought that I wouldn't be noticed having a giggle?!
Charlie needed to be bribed with jelly beans for the last half hour to sit still and not crawl off under the seats- where I was convinced he would eat an abandond ball of chewy... or pop up the nose?!
In the last ten minutes he asked if we could go "Home?, home Mummy" But we made it to the credits.
On the way home he mentioned the "big Gorilla"...

Sunday, July 8, 2007

This weekend we all went to Whakatane (pronounced "fu-ka-tani)
for a work dinner that Daddy was presenting an award. Mummy went to the dinner too.
I had more fun playing at the hotel with Natasha. She was very nice, we played with my puzzles and colouring books.
Next morning Mummy said once she had everything in the car we could go and pla in the park at the beach.
I was so excited I got in the boot, I didn't even have a nappy on!!

Fun on the see-saw!
Fun on the swings. "Higher, Higher Daddy!"
We thought Mimi would like the houses behind as they over looked the beach.
She could watch Poppy go fishing!?
Daddy said if you were on top of the island you might see hawii(??)

We stayed in the yellow building, with a grey roof.
Next stop Rotorua... hold your nose
This is The Bath House in Rotorua, it is now a Gallery & Museum.

Here is Mummy and I in front of a boiling spring. 210 o! hot, hot hot.
And very smelly. Just like eggs! Mummy kept looking in my nappy?
I didn't like it much...can you tell?

We went up on the cable cars for a look around.
We had our lunch up there.
I liked riding in the "boats" (mummy & Daddy kept calling them cable cars?)

Friday, July 6, 2007

First Dinner Party

Here I am hosting my first dinner party.
Guests: Travis 3, Ashley 2.
Waiter: Donna
Cook: Mummy.

Main:Fish, baked chips and carrots
(best served with water)
Dessert: 100 & 1000 cookies and pretzel sticks.

Note: the wine glasses belong to the hired help.

Kids, do not tr this at home...

Hi, Charlie's Mummy here.
To all other mummy and daddy's out there.
If your kid suddenly turns nasty for a week and a half, it is most likel he/she has a plastic bead stuck up his/her nose.
This bead was removed by a trained DOCTOR with a PAPER CLIP!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Oh beer!

Last Saturday night after drinking Mummy's shandy, (while she was getting me a drink from the kitchen), I felt all funny.

I took my clothes off and got creative with my colour pens and stickers!

Time-out was never this much fun!!!!!!

Last week my friend Riley came over. I wasn't sharing my toys very well.
Mummy put me on a chair in the hallway for "time-out".
Riley though she would keep me company...