Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Haircut before/after

My hair was beginning to look a bit crazy, so it was off to see my Russian hairdresser Vera.
"zhere you go Zharlie, do you like this, yah?"

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

We have been "Simpson-ized"

To turn yourself into a Simpson go to So much fun. (thanks Sarah!!)

Friday, August 24, 2007

Daddy's trip to Fiji

Daddy went to Fiji for "work".

The table on the left was Daddy's office.
The view from Daddy's office.

Was that a holiday or all just a dream??

On the plane flying back to Melbourne.

I love my Mimi

City Slicker on the farm

Blossom and I saw eye to eye on many things in life.

Luella took me for a ride.
"hold on!!"

Fun at Mimi & Poppy's

Charlie theNerd with Mimi
Impression of Poppy.
Charlie's Photo of Mummy
Fun after bath

Mummy & Tanya
Jo & Angus

Out and about in Tassie

Tassie Tom

The arts

Lunch with Jacqui
Fun at the park

Friday, August 17, 2007

My friend Taya, Welcome Natasha!

While I was in Melbourne I caught up with my good friend Taya, we shared a few lolliepops and chatted about what we had been doing.
We were one week early, as her new sister was born the following week.
Welcome Natasha!!

Dress ups!

Dinner and Karaoke (Dokey)

The night before we flew to Tasmania, Mummy, Ondi and Richard went out to dinner in South Melbourne and then tried out Karaoke!!!!!!
If you are easierly embarrassed look away now!

Mummy's singing list
Bon Jovi- Bad Medicine
J Lo- Lets Get Loud
Gwen S- What you waiting for?
Rod Stewart- Do you think I am sexy
to name but a few...

Guggenheim Collecion at the NGV

Luci, Josie, Mummy and I went to the Guggenheim Collection at the NGV.
Josie and I slept through it in our prams. Mummy and Luci thought it was a bit ...odd.
But they got a kick out of watching the "Culture Vultures" trying to make something poignat from a peice of felt sliced 8 times and called "Untitled cut felt" (?).
(give me a break).
Afterwards we went for a stroll at South Bank. I enjoyed a small bag of jelly beans by the Yarra.