Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Zara's Bapatism 26th April 2009

26th April 2009.
St Paul the Apostole Parish
Godmother Catherine Fazekas (Paul's sister) and Godfather Damien Phillips.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Best thing about Charlie turning 4

Charlie just getting the vac out to help clean up after the party.

Charlie's 4th birthday party

Charlie and his friends at his 4th birthday party

Charlie's 4th birthday morning

Charlie woke to find that the house had been transformed into party central.

He also found so presents waiting for him. He was a very lucky boy who finally got the BEN TEN watch he had been waiting such a long time for and some STAR WARS lego and action figures.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Batman and Chinese Princess

Just trying on our outfits for Charlie's 4th birhday Party.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

skate park Charlie and Zara

Mummy took Zara and I to the Skate park today. I took my scooter and Zara had a tricyle. It was good fun. My Neighbour Zac came with us and I had a turn on his skate board. I thought that it was a bit too dangerous to stand on it so I lay on my tummy to go down the ramps. There were some big boys there too. Maybe if they had been lying on their tummy's they would have avoided falling off their skate boards right in front of Mummy.
One boy had his wrist in plaster already, so he must fall off a lot.
Zara laughed riding he tricyle up and down the ramps, she also had a crawl over them.

Here I am seeing how they do it.
Mummy said "hope they get good at it. As they will not get a job hanging out here all day, and this will be the only mode of transport they will be able to afford..."

Friday, April 3, 2009

trike-a-thon Charlie's Kindy

Here is Charlie as Spiderman at his Kindy Trikeathon fund raiser.
Charlie also had his face painted and won a bubble-bath of Anthony from the WIGGLES.

Mummy went in a raffle and won a perfume pack and massage. Daddy enjoyed the sausage sizzle and Zara skipped a sleep and chomped on a banana.

Fun had by all.