Thursday, April 2, 2009

Charlie and Zara April 2009

These days this where you would find Zara.
She really enjoys climbing the two little stairs that are in the living room.
Once she learnt to climb them, she decided that was her place of to be.
Since then she has been working on a line of possible results to get back down to floor level.
1)Backflip- ruled out very quickly.
2)forward falling nose skid- that is not going to work
3)tummy slide- works ok, but leads to nose skid
4)calling out "mum mum, bub bub" (I kid you not) the most common perfect result.
5)and now she has worked out sitting and dragging her bottom to the end of the step and gracefully lowering herself to the floor works a treat. Well done bubba!

Charlie had his mate Luka over today so he is looking less than impressed to stop for a photo. Never the less a handsome devil.

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